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Knee Pain Treatment

Knee pain Physiotherapy treatment in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Solihull

Knee pain has a huge affect on your life, whether you have chronic arthritis, an acute injury, or pain has come on for no apparent reason. ​

Here at The Reinge Clinic we know that, unless there has been a traumatic injury, the causes of knee pain can be many and varied. ​

Our job is to find out where that pain came from and find a permanent solution to your pain.

What Causes Knee Pain?

Knee pain Physiotherapy treatment in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Solihull

Knee pain often comes in two forms: Traumatic or Chronic. ​

The knee is a hinge joint, which means it is mostly designed to bend only. When a knee is subject to forces that cause it to twist, the ligaments and tendons that support and protect the knee can become inflamed and painful. ​

In a traumatic injury, these structures can get torn and the joint capsule that protects the knee can become damaged, creating pain. Traumatic injuries of the knee are relatively easy to solve with a correct assessment, and strengthening programs. ​Pain that comes on in the knee for no apparent reason is more tricky.

Non traumatic knee pain

Knee pain Physiotherapy treatment in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Solihull

Non traumatic knee pain is usually down to incorrect biomechanics. Although the knee has a small amount of rotation available to it, it is primarily a hinge joint bending and flexing the knee. It relies on staying in a straight position, to allow the muscles to fire properly and the internal structures, such as the cartilage to stay healthy. ​

The muscles of the knee are heavily reliant on good posture, both at the pelvis and at the foot.

If your foot is weak, for example, this will cause the forces to be greater on the inside of the knee. This is because a weak foot causes  the knee to drop inwards. Over time this can irritate both the soft tissue structures and the cartilage, which can start to rub and form the beginnings of Osteoarthtitis. Learn more about osteoarthritis by clicking here.

If your pelvis isn’t straight, if it tips forward, for example, it can create tension in the muscles at the front of the legs, sometimes twisting the kneecap slightly and causing damage and irritation to the cartilage on the back of the kneecap.

How do you treat knee pain?

Knee Pain Treatment by Ian Reigne at the Reigne Clinic

So, how do we treat knee pain?

Well it is relatively simple. The knee likes to be straight, so we will initially assess the both the general knee and kneecap positions.  We will check whether the pain is coming from inside the joint or from the muscles around the Knee.

​We will also look at your pelvis position and your foot strength. We will even measure the circumference of your legs to check both legs are of a similar size. We will then test the strength of the muscles of whole lower body, to work out where the pain is coming from.  At this point we can check whether the firing patterns in the lower body are functioning correctly. ​

All these checks allow us to understand what is going on in your knee. Then we will know which muscles we need to strengthen and which we need to loosen. ​ With targeted strengthening and loosening, most knee problems go away within a few sessions.

Knee Pain When Running

Knee pain Physiotherapy treatment in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Solihull

What about knee pain in runners? Knee pain is quite a common complaint for runners and usually this comes from the way your foot hits the floor when you run. ​

Running creates forces through the knee that are far stronger than the forces you receive when you walk. So any imbalances or weaknesses will show up in the form of pain. ​

We can usually solve knee pain in runners by completing a running gait assessment. Learn more about our Running Assessments by clicking here.

This allows us to see how you strike the floor when you run and understand where the forces are going. From there we can alter how your run, or restrengthen specific muscles to  solve your running pain.

Frequently Asked Questions about Knee Pain

Knee pain when running is usually fixed within 2 or 3 sessions. Our running assessments usually highlight where the problem is on the first session. By the second session most people have considerably less pain and are often completely pain free by the third session. 

Occasionally the pain is more complex and may take longer.

Our assessments are very in depth, meaning that we usually get to the root cause of your pain at the first session. As a result we usually fix knee pain within 3 or 4 sessions. However, if the issue is stemming from the foot, it can take a while to strengthen up the foot and therefore it may take longer. However, on these occasions the sessions can be spread out as we are mainly relying on you completing the exercises to solve the problem. 

Take a look at the NHS page on knee pain here.

Yes, we have two options for this. If at the assessment we feel some imagery is needed we can write to your GP detailing our findings and requesting a scan or x-ray.

Should you prefer, we can arrange for a private MRI or Ultrasound Scan, or X-Ray. We use and other local private Scanning companies for this and a GP referral is not required.


It is very helpful if we can see and feel the muscles around the knee and leg, so we ask you to bring a pair of shortish shorts, or trousers that easily roll up to the hip. 

We would never want our clients to feel uncomfortable, so we would work around clothes if we needed to. 

Both Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists can assess and treat all types of knee pain, so, at The Reinge Clinic  you can choose whichever therapist you are more comfortable with.

Both Ian and Gina are highly experienced at assessing and treating knee pain and have extra training in knee problems due to being APOS Therapy trained. This is higher level training on knee issues such as Osteoarthritis.

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