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Running Analysis / Injuries Kenilworth

A Running AnalysisΒ  is an essential part of your pre and mid season training program. And a great way to both fix and avoid running injuries in Kenilworth.

Whether you are preparing for the Kenilworth Half Marathon, or the Two Castles Run, Running Analysis Kenilworth is the perfect place to start. By understanding how you run, you can start to address inefficiencies and avoid injuries.

At The Reinge Clinic in Kenilworth we combine our Physiotherapy and Sports Therapy knowledge with Sports Science to get an in depth look at how your body works, how you strike the floor when you run and how your muscles are adapting to the forces of running. This allows us to rapidly get to the source of injuries and fix them, as well as keeping you in great form for your upcoming race.

Why have a running analysis?

Running Analysis, injury treatments in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Solihull

Your running technique plays a pivotal role in both your race times and your vulnerability to injuries. Every stride you take in Kenilworth impacts not only your speed but also your overall injury risk.

As your foot makes contact with the ground during your run, a dynamic force known as a ground reaction force affectsΒ  your body. This force can improve your running efficiency, propelling you forward effortlessly. Alternatively, it can act as a barrier, impeding your progress and potentially building up injuries.

Ground reaction force is the force the ground generates when your foot hits the floor. How your foot responds to this force dictates how the forces travel up into your lower leg. Great alignment means the muscles and joints of the body can use this force to create efficient running. Poor alignment can lead to knee, hip and back pain while running, as the joints absorb this force in an inefficient way.

This is where our Running Analysis Kenilworth comes into play,an indispensable component of your pre-race preparation. Using video technology we are able to slow your movements down to see exactly how your body responds to these forces and as we are Sports Scientists we understand how to interpret these findings in relation to running.Β  This allows us to uncover any potential or current problems allowing us retrain your running style and rectify any niggles or injuries.

What happens during the Running Analysis?

Running Analysis / Running Injuries Physio in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford upon Avon

Our Running Analysis Kenilworth sessions areΒ  designed to enhance every area of your running style. Within a 90-minute session, our expert team delves deep into refining your technique and safeguarding your running journey.

During this session, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your posture and muscle firing, as well as analysing your running mechanics. UtilisingΒ  video technology, we capture your natural running form in the real world rather than on a treadmill. This enables us to scrutinise your foot’s interaction with the ground, looking at its impact throughout your entire body – from the very soles of your feet to the crown of your head.

Combining these insights with your personal history and our thorough physical evaluation, we are able to improve how you run and help you avoid injuries in the future. Our ultimate objectives are twofold: to elevate the efficiency of your running, consequently enhancing your race times,Β  to understand why you have any existing running injuries while safeguarding against future ones.

During the Running Analysis Kenilworth session, we encourage you to bring all the shoes you currently run in. Different shoes will have a different affect on your body, so we analyse them all so you know the best shoe for you.Β  In addition we provide tailored running and strengthening programs. Ensuring that you have all the information you need to achieve your running goals, whether that is completing your first park run or improving your marathon times.Β 

What can we do for running injuries?

Running Analysis, Running Injuries in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford Upon Avon and Solihull.

Most Running Injuries start due to the way your foot strikes the floor. The forces of running can be large, often several times your body weight. These forces travel up your body and can affect yourΒ  knees, hips, back and the surrounding muscles. This is why we will always take a look at how you run when we assess any running injury.Β 

In order to understand why your are in pain, we will start by looking at the joint or muscle that is giving you pain. Ideally we want to body to be balanced, so we will often take our tape measure out and measure your leg circumference, telling us whether you are loading your legs in a balanced way.Β 

Feet are an important area and are often the starting piunt when assessing any running problems. Feet are the only point of contact with the floor during running, and where all the ground reaction forces start that allow you to create forward momentum when you run.Β 

If your feet or ankles are weak, it affects how the body deals with the forces.Β  Often creating problems further up theΒ  body.

Running Injuries Physio in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick and Solihull.

Once we have looked at your biomechanics and posture, we will take a look at your running shoe tread.Β  Assessing the tread of your shoes gives us an understanding of how you strike the floor when you run.

Finally we will take you outside and video you running. By slowing down your movements and see how your body responds to the forces being generated, we can usually understand why you have your running injury and how to rectify it.Β 

Running Injuries treatment in Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick, and Stratford Upon Avon.

Clients often find the video analysis the most revealing. The way they think they run, is not always what we see on the screen.Β 

Our final element is to give you a bespoke strength program specifically to address your injury issue.Β 

Frequently Asked Questions about Running Analysis Kenilworth

Please bring all your shoes, many runners have several pairs and we may need to see you run in all of them.Β 

Please also bring whatever you usually run in, and ideally a pair of short shorts so we can assess the whole lower body.

Our initial running analysis session is 1.5hrs long.

This gives us plenty of time to video you, assess your muscle firing and body biomechanics. As well as time to provide strength exercises and alter your Running Gait if needed.

All our Running follow up appointments areΒ  50 minutes long and we will usually do a quick video recheck of your running at that point.

Our Running Analysis initial Assessment lasts 1.5hrs and costs Β£110. Our follow up sessions are 50 minutes long and cost Β£75.

For running injuries you can book for either session depending how complex you feel your issue is. If you are unsure, get in touch and we can help.

We get you to run in the real world rather than on a treadmill. The mechanics of running on a treadmill are very different to running in the real world. Most people run out in the real world, so this is where we assess you.

We aren’t running coaches, but we are Sports Scientists. We have been trained to look at the way the body works and understand the forces involved and how the muscles deal with those forces.Β 

In their younger days, Ian used to be a triathlete and Gina a runner with Coventry Godivas Running Club, so we have a very real understanding of running and running injuries.

Gina is a member of BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Scientists) ensuring they stay up to date with the latest research.

You can book using our online booking system. Or you can email us or call us directly.

We don’t use receptionists, so when you call or email you get directly either Ian or Gina, who can answer any questions you may have about your condition, prior to making a booking.Β 

Many insurance companies will cover the cost of running injuries and we work with many insurance companies.

If you wish to use insurance please ensure you contact us so we can arrange the correct authorisation.Β 

Please note many insurance companies will only cover treatment by a Chartered Physiotherapist, if this is the case with your insurance you will need to book in with Ian rather than Gina. Ian is our chartered Physiotherapist.


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